We have a busy few weeks ahead of us. Please see below for some key dates of events taking place over the next few weeks.
Just One Tree Day: Friday 14th October Each child is being encouraged to wear non-school uniform/something green and bring in £1 to fund the planting of a tree.
Parents’/Carers’ Evening: Week beginning 17th October Parents and carers are invited to join their child’s class teacher to discuss how their child has settled in to their new year group and the progress they are making. These can take place in school, through Teams or via a telephone call - please let your child’s class teacher know which option you prefer.
Squiggle while you wiggle Workshop: Tuesday 24th October 5.30pm (school hall)
This workshop will help parents/carers understand how squiggle while you wiggle, squiggle me into a writer, dough disco and digit dance activities support our younger learners to develop their gross and fine motor skills. These skills are essential pre-cursors for writing.
Reading Workshop: Wednesday 26th October 5.30pm (school hall)
arents/carers are invited to learn about the new reading band system that we will be using in school. You will learn about how to best support your child’s reading at home too and ask class teachers any questions you may have about this.
Harvest: Thursday 27th October
This year we will be celebrating Harvest in the last week of the half term. Pupils can wear autumnal colours to school that day. We are, as we have for the last few years, collecting donations for the HOP food bank. The following items are particularly useful:
• UHT or powdered milk
• Rice
• Tinned food
• Rice pudding
• Custard
• Long-life fruit juice or squash
• Instant coffee
• Chocolate and sweets
• Tooth brushes
• Toothpaste
• Shower gel
• Shampoo
Sponsored Read: 19th-31st October:
The sponsored read encourages and celebrates a lifelong love of reading at home and school. If you are able to support our sponsored read, record sponsors on the sponsorship form and reading log for your child to record their reading. The money will be collected via SQuid - look out for the SPONSORED READ and you can donate your raised amount there by Sunday 6th of November.