
Parkland Primary SchoolYsgol Gynradd Parkland

Together we Thrive / Ffynnu gyda’n gilydd

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Parkland Performers

Parkland Performers Learner Voice Group 


Parkland Performers exists to give ALL children the chance to perform in front of others.  

Children may wish to sing, dance, play an instrument of tell a joke – the choice is theirs.  


The Parkland Performers Learner Voice Group is in charge of organising these performing opportunities. They will need to choice a location, a date and time. They then need to advertise the concert, and work out a running order. They will also need to organise and issue tickets where necessary.  


We have held lunchtime concerts (pre-COVID), and have organised an online event during the lockdown. We’re looking forward to creating lots more opportunities for pupils to perform.  

“Together we thrive!” 
