Welcome to Y Bont Mawr a Bach.
Y Bont Fawr is a specialist teaching facility for children with moderate to severe learning difficulties. The provision caters for children from Year 3 to Year 6. Currently there are 11 pupils in this class with complex learning needs. These children are included in all aspects of school life, although they spend a large part of their time in a designated classroom with a high adult to child ratio. Every opportunity is taken to involve the children with their mainstream peer group classes to cater for their social and emotional needs, as well as, where appropriate, their academic abilities. This year 3 children join their mainstream Year 6 class for maths, 2 children attend their mainstream Y6 class for Literacy and 1 child spends the whole day in mainstream. The unit is also used to support children from mainstream who may be experiencing difficulties accessing the curriculum in a class of 30 children. This year 2 children have spent the whole day in the STF and an additional 4 children join the class for the morning session only. This allows these children to practise the basic skills they will need to function successfully in a mainstream class whilst receiving a higher level of support due to the higher ratio of adults to children.
The Bont Fach has been a very successful addition to the provision within the school for meeting the needs of children with ALN. Early on in the academic year 2022-2023 the school identified a need among the youngest members of the school for a more specialist form of support and so the Bont Fach evolved from this. For the academic year 2023-2024 14 children (10 Reception, 3 Year 1 and 1 Year 2) are accessing the Bont Fach and are having their needs met in this small class. All children are currently in the process of having their ALN identified and an IDP put in place, many are seeing outside agencies e.g. SALT and/or the Community Paediatrician and are in the process of receiving diagnoses.
Here are our staff: